Get summer off to a tasteful start with this delicious ceasar ciabatta salad.



  1. Cut the breakfast bacon small and the chicken breast into strips. Fry the bacon and then add the chicken breast. Fry together until cooked and nicely browned, then set aside.
  2. Meanwhile, cut the ciabatta into small cubes and fry them (in two parts) in the pan in which the chicken and bacon were fried.
  3. Boil the eggs almost hard for 5 minutes. Cut the anchovy fillets very small. Put them in a large bowl and squeeze in the juice of half a lemon. Mash well. Now add olive oil, honey, crème fraiche and Parmesan cheese and stir well.
  4. Cut the cucumber into cubes and the spring onion into rings. Mix them together with the chicken strips and the dressing.
  5. Now mix everything together loosely (the bread, chicken mixture and lettuce) and serve immediately. Tastes great with the bake-off bread from our range!

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